The baseline survey of “Strengthening Sustainable Livelihoods in Kachin State and Northern Shan State in Myanmar” is conducted to assess current situations of community livelihoods and economic activities in agricultural and livestock production systems, community vulnerability and susceptibility to poverty level impacts, access to finance and their existing capacities and livelihood capabilities in relation to strengthened livelihood strategies in the two target provinces, namely Kachin State and Northern Shan State(NSS) in Myanmar.
(1) establish baseline data against the project’s outcome, output and inform indicators in the project measurement plan; and
(2) identify and recommend appropriate results of key project outcome, output and impact indicators that serve as a baseline to compare the progress and success of the project in relation to its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, opportunity cost / core values, and sustainability.
(1) probe out clear understanding the present status of the area in relation to the interventions that the project and its outcome desire to bring about,
(2) establish baseline values for key project indicators, and
(3) finalize indicator targets.
(1) quantitative household (HH) survey interviews with 907 HH respondents across 64 villages and six (6) IDPs during the fieldworks and
(2) focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KIIs) in both target provinces.
As a result, 659 HHs and 248 HHs in Kachin State and Northern Shan State (NSS) respectively are surveyed during fieldwork processes. Food consumption score, progress out of poverty index, household dietary diversity scores, caregiver survey are the assessment tools used in baseline HH survey. Collected data were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. Qualitatively, framework analysis and livelihood analysis matrix were used. Quantitatively, project log frame and impact matrix, standard indicators and relevant descriptive and inferential tools were utilized in order to analyze data collected from HH survey interviews.
We maintain academic standards towards sampling methodologies, in complex and challenging contexts. Our research teams are trained to implement advanced sampling strategies, including standard stratified sampling
AF Development Care (AFDC) registered legally as a consulting business partnership on 19 November, 2019. A group of lead experts, successful in different field in International development, Economics, data analyst, Field researchers, social development, survey join their hand together to provide in-depth research and development consultancy.
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