Dr. Kripal Singh is a leading researcher in the area of environment, ecology, and agricultural sciences. Currently he is affiliated as Research Professor at the Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, College of Natural Sciences, Andong National University, South Korea. He has worked in different capacities at various leading research organizations such as CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, in India and Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology, Durban University of Technology, South Africa. He has worked with the United National Industrial Development Organization, Austria. He is actively collaborating with researchers and professionals from the World Bank, World Resource Institute, and various universities in India, Brazil, South Africa, Europe, and the USA. He is member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland's commission on Ecosystem Management and Agroecosystem Specialist Group. Dr. Kripal very closely monitors global policies for ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation and has special focus on India's policy framework for these complex socio-ecological issues. He is research advisor at College of Wetlands, Yancheng Teachers University, China. He is also sitting on the editorial board of various high impact journals in his research area.
We maintain academic standards towards sampling methodologies, in complex and challenging contexts. Our research teams are trained to implement advanced sampling strategies, including standard stratified sampling
AF Development Care (AFDC) registered legally as a consulting business partnership on 19 November, 2019. A group of lead experts, successful in different field in International development, Economics, data analyst, Field researchers, social development, survey join their hand together to provide in-depth research and development consultancy.
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