Dr. Gagan Bihari Sahu has a Ph. D degree in Economics and title of his Ph. D thesis is Institutional Finance for Agriculture: Analysis at Macro and Micro Levels. His doctoral study analysed the flow of institutional credit to agriculture with respect to policy changes from social banking to profit oriented system of lending after the introduction of banking sector reform. Dr. Sahu's research interest falls in the broad areas of Development Economics including issues pertaining to Rural Credit, Microfinance, Migration & Urban Labour Markets, and Domestic Money Remittance. He is working with Centre for Social Studies (CSS), Surat and worked as faculty members to Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), Lucknow. Dr. Sahu leads primary research works at AFDC.
D. Rajasekhar, Gagan Bihari Sahu and K. H. Anantha (2010). ‘The Growing Rural-Urban Disparity in Karnataka’, New Delhi: Serials Publications.
Gagan Bihari Sahu and Biswaroop Das (2008). Income, Remittances and Urban Labour Markets: Oriya Migrant Workers in Surat City, ADHIKAR, Bhubaneswar.
Gagan Bihari Sahu and Biswaroop Das (2007). Self-Help Co-operatives and Micro Finance: Lessons from Orissa, Ahmedabad: Friends of Women’s Word Banking, India (FWWB-I).
Articles in Refereed Journals
Gagan Bihari Sahu, S. Madheswaran and D. Rajasekhar (2004). ‘Credit Constraints and Distress Sales in Rural India: Evidence from Kalahandi District, Orissa’, The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. XXXI (2), 2004.
Gagan Bihari Sahu and D. Rajasekhar (2005). ‘Banking Sector Reform and Credit Flow to Indian Agriculture’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XL (53), pp: 5550 -59.
Gagan Bihari Sahu and D. Rajasekhar (2005). ‘Urban Bias’ in the Flow of Funds and Deposit Mobilisation: Evidence from Karnataka, India, Savings and Development, Vol. XXIX (4), pp: 415 -440.
Gagan Bihari Sahu (2007). ‘Supply Analysis of Institutional Credit to Agriculture for Major States in India’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 62 (4), pp: 664 - 78.
Gagan Bihari Sahu (2008). ‘Where Do Our Financial Institutions stand in Extending Agricultural Credit? Evidence from Kalahandi District, Orissa’, Review of Development and Change, Vol. 13 (1), pp: 49-75.
Gagan Bihari Sahu and Biswaroop Das (2010). “Migrant Remittances: Size Channels of Money Transfer among Oriya Workers in Surat City”, The Indian Economic Journal, Vol 58, No. 1, pp: 77-94.
Gagan Bihari Sahu and Biswaroop Das (2010). ‘Urban Labour Markets and Returns to Migration: Destination Surat’, Review of Development and Change, Vol. XV, No.2, pp: 129-152.
Motilal Mahamallik and Gagan Bihari Sahu (2011). ‘Identification of the Poor: Errors of Exclusion and Inclusion’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVI, No. 9, pp: 71-77.
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